2019 Bloomington General | Clerk Candidate: Nicole Bolden

2019 Bloomington General | Clerk Candidate: Nicole Bolden

Nicole Bolden is seeking re-election to a four-year term as Bloomington city clerk and will win that election by default. She is unopposed in the general election, so no election will be held for city clerk on Nov. 5.

No Republicans appeared on the primary ballot, and the party did not “caucus in” a candidate for the general election. No independent or write-in candidates filed to be a candidate for city clerk.

Bolden was unopposed in the May 7, 2019 Democratic Party primary [Full results here].

Nicole Bolden headshot
Nicole Bolden

Bolden was also unopposed in 2015 for both the primary and general election. She was the first African-American woman elected to a citywide office in Bloomington.

At that time she was Bloomington’s deputy city clerk, a position she’d held since 2010. She’d been hired in 2009 as a hearing officer for the city.

The city clerk maintains the municipal code and official records of the city council, posts public notices, certifies council minutes, processes boards and commissions openings, hears parking ticket appeals, serves as a satellite voter registration office, and performs weddings and civil ceremonies, among other duties.

Bolden is serving as co-chair for the 2019 re-election campaign of Bloomington mayor John Hamilton. She is on the board of the Foundation of Monroe County Community Schools, and is a former board member of Pinnacle School. She serves on the advisory committee for the 10/100 Committee, a group that’s raising funds to develop “a pipeline of candidates of color.”

She was party secretary for the Monroe County Democratic Party and served on the Democratic Women’s Caucus steering committee. She is co-founder of the Monroe County Indiana Democratic African American Caucus.

Bolden earned a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University in 2005 and was a member of the IU School of Law class of 2008.

Bolden has two children, Taegan and Zora. She is the daughter of Monroe County Circuit Court Judge Valeri Haughton (Division II) and Frank Motley, who retired as assistant dean of the Indiana University School of Law in 2015.

Bolden is serving as her own campaign chair. Her campaign treasurer is her daughter, Taegan Bolden-Davis.

Links to Additional Information

Campaign website

Email: fnicole.bolden@gmail.com


Twitter: @ClerkNicoleB

Campaign finance reports (2019 election cycle):

In the News: Nicole Bolden

Contested Bloomington elections set for fall: None citywide, two of six council districtsB Square Beacon, July 3, 2019

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Hamilton, Smith, uncontested Democrats look to fall electionBloomington Herald-Times, May 7, 2019

City candidates discuss inclusivity, guns at North’s election forumBloomington Herald-Times, April 17, 2019

Nicole Bolden files for re-election as city clerkBloomington Herald-Times, Jan. 14, 2019

Bring It On! (podcast)WFHB, Feb. 27, 2017

City clerk could get pay boost, but not as much as she wantedBloomington Herald-Times, Oct. 4, 2016

New city clerk says desire to serve fueled candidacyBloomington Herald-Times, Jan. 23, 2016

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First day of early Monroe County voting draws 3 generations of politically active familyBloomington Herald-Times, Oct. 19, 2015

Bring It On! (podcast)WFHB, Oct. 12, 2015

Candidate responses to questionnaireMonroe County Democratic Party, April 2015