2019 Bloomington General | District 6 Council Candidate: Steve Volan

2019 Bloomington General | District 6 Council Candidate: Steve Volan

Steve Volan is seeking re-election to a four-year term on the Bloomington Common Council representing District 6. He is unopposed in the general election, so no election for District 6 will be held on Nov. 5 and Volan will win the race by default.

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Steve Volan

Volan ran unopposed in the District 6 Democratic Party primary and won with 176 votes. [Full results here] No Republican candidate contested the primary and the party did not “caucus-in” a candidate. No independent or write-in candidates filed paperwork to be a candidate.

District 6 covers most of Bloomington’s downtown area, and a dogleg along Atwater. (Click here for a map of city districts.)

This will be Volan’s fifth term on council. He was first elected in 2003 and has held various council leadership roles over the years. He is now the council’s parliamentarian.

During his tenure he has served on numerous city advisory groups, and is currently a member of the Parking Commission, which he helped create, and the Common Council Land Use Committee.

In a Herald-Times article published earlier this year, Volan noted that the majority of residents in District 6 are Indiana University students, but that basic issues – landlord/tenant relations, parking, trash, quality of life – concern everyone. He also cited the need to continue work on parking and public transit issues.

Volan has lived in Bloomington since the mid-1980s. In 1994, he was a founding board member of the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival and has been an emcee for the annual event. In 1995 he founded BlueMarble, an Internet service provider that he sold eventually to Smithville Fiber.

From 2002 to 2009 Volan owned The Cinemat, a downtown Bloomington video store and performance venue. He is also a long-time volunteer at WFHB, and has hosted the “Siren Songs” program on that station. He posts occasionally on his Councilmanic blog, and is known for having worn a chicken suit to council.

Volan grew up in northwest Indiana and earned an undergraduate degree from Indiana University. He recently completed a master’s degree in geography at IU and plans to publish his master’s thesis – “Gownsburg: The Campus As a Municipal Phenomenon” – as a book.

Volan is serving as his campaign’s treasurer and chair.

Links to Additional Information

Campaign website: NA (Personal website)

Email: vote@volan.org


Twitter: @sgv

Campaign finance reports (2019 election cycle):

In the News: Steve Volan

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City Council Newcomers Prevail In Democratic PrimaryIndiana Public Media, May 7, 2019

Steve Volan runs unopposed for fifth city council term in District 6Indiana Daily Student, April 21, 2019

Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce candidate forum (video)Community Access Television Services (CATS), April 2, 2019

City council candidates discuss parking, the downtown and affordable housingBloomington Herald-Times, April 2, 2019

Newcomer city council candidates’ ages trend downwardBloomington Herald-Times, Feb. 25, 2019

Volan bases city council bid on understanding students’ role in cityBloomington Herald-Times, Feb. 6, 2019

Gownsburg: The Campus As a Municipal Phenomenon” (YouTube video of Steve Volan’s master’s thesis colloquium talk) – Jan. 25, 2019

4th St. Garage Debate Part Of City’s Future Transportation PlanIndiana Public Media, Dec. 12, 2018

IU, Bloomington relations could strengthen with new student positionIndiana Daily Student, Aug. 16, 2018

Councilmember Volan advocates for more transparency in recycling servicesWFHB, Jan. 27, 2016

Approaching autism theatrically (video)TEDxBloomington, June 30, 2011