Alea iacta est: Bloomington election results, as served

Alea iacta est: Bloomington election results, as served

Here’s where The Beacon will post incremental results from the Nov. 5, 2019 municipal election, as they become available directly from the Monroe County clerk’s office, in reverse chronological order. [Update with Final Result: Sue Sgambelluri wins District 2. Smith wins District 3.]

for beacon Election Results Labeled R Map 2019 Bloomington City ElectionsDistrictRepsxxxx copy

19:23 Final report. Sgambelluri wins District 2. Smith wins District 3. [.pdf of final report]

District 2
Sgambelluri: 365 (63 percent)
Guenther: 218 (37 percent)

District 3
Smith: 448 (46.3 percent)
Kappas: 425 (43.9 percent)
Spechler: 95 (9.8 percent)

19:19 Next update now available. [.pdf of interim report]

District 2
Sgambelluri: 348 (63 percent)
Guenther: 211 (37 percent)

District 3
Smith: 401 (47.34 percent)
Kappas: 370 (43.7 percent)
Spechler: 75 (8.9 percent)

19:14 Next update now available. [.pdf of interim report]

District 2
Sgambelluri: 152 (63 percent)
Guenther: 89 (37 percent)

District 3
Smith: 253 (48.3 percent)
Kappas: 222 (42.4 percent)
Spechler: 49 (9.3 percent)

19:11 Indiana Memorial Union poll workers are now in the building with their poll box. That means all the ballots are in the building. Final results should be available soon.

19:09 Six poll boxes are lined up along the wall. Two more are waiting to be processed. There were nine polling locations. That means all but one poll box (Indiana Memorial Union) is in the building here at Election Central.

19:06 Binford Elementary has now reported in, along with a couple of other polling sites.  Next update should be ready in a few minutes.

18:58 A possible emerging story is the difference between early voting and Election Day voting in District 3. Kappas has 88 votes to 75 votes for Smith among Election Day voters. Among early and absentee voters, Smith has more—114 votes for Smith to 71 for Kappas.

18:54 Latest update of totals for early and Election Day. These are not final. Several polling sites to go. [.pdf of interim report]

District 2
Sgambelluri: 132 (77.5 percent)(65.35 percent)
Guenther: 70 (34.6 percent)

District 3
Smith: 189 (49.2 percent)
Kappas: 159 (41.4 percent)
Spechler: 36 (9.4 percent)

18:46 Arlington Heights Elementary is the next polling site to report in here at Election Central. No results yet from Election Day polling sites. Clerk’s office staff are running reports. Total voters from Arlington Heights Elementary was 39 voters.

18:44 Eastview Church of the Nazarene is the next polling site to report in here at Election Central.

18:39 First to report in is the Unitarian Universalist Church polling site. Not yet processed. No provisional ballots and no spoiled ballots is the initial report from this polling location. Out of six voted ballots, five were straight party says the inspector.

18:32  So far none of the poll workers from the nine in-person Election Day polling sites have arrived here at Election Central with their results. When they do, we’ll start getting some of those posted.

18:07 Early and absentee vote counts are the first to be reported. (Not final totals, is the point of emphasis from Monroe County’s clerk, Nicole Browne.)

Democrats have more than their opponents among this group of voters. [.pdf of absent and early votes]

District 2: Sue Sgambelluri (D) has 127 votes (65 percent) and Andrew Guenther (R) has 69 votes (35 percent).

District 3: Ron Smith (D) has 114 votes (54 percent), Nick Kappas (I) has 71 votes (33 percent), and Marty Spechler (I) has 28 votes (13 percent).

18:05 According to Monroe County’s clerk, Nicole Browne, 1,509 voted in the 2019 Bloomington municipal elections. More voted on Election Day (76.3 percent) than through absentee and early voting (23.7).

Polling places with the most voters were University Elementary School, with 320 voters, followed by Genesis Church with 319 voters, according to Browne.

According to Browne, the demographic breakdown for early and absentee voters was:

  • At least 80 voters from 18-24 years of age.
  • At least 143 voters from 25-34 years of age.
  • At least 159 voters from 35-44 years of age.
  • At least 187 voters from 45-54 years of age.
  • At least 240 voters from 55-64 years of age.
  • At least 364 voters from 65-74 years of age.
  • At least 335 voters were 75 years or older in age.

18:00 Alea iacta est. The polls are closed.

Note: The Latin in the headline means something like “the die is cast.” Julius Caesar is supposed to have said it when he led his army across the Rubicon river in Northern Italy. The idea is that the things that just happened can’t be undone. It was a tradition of local Ann Arbor attorney David Cahill to post the phrase to local online outlets exactly when polls closed in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It’s a good tradition, one which The Beacon transplants to Bloomington without apology.