4:56 a.m. March 15, 2025: Tornado Warning for Monroe County, Indiana

5:41 a.m. Duke Energy outage map shows about 500 customers without power in the Monroe County area.
5:24 a.m. Scanner traffic indicates the tornado warning has been cancelled.
5:18 a.m. Tornado sirens sound for the second time. The one piece of additional information is the duration of the warning—until 5:45 a.m.
4:56 a.m. Tornado sirens sound. A tornado warning is issued by Monroe County’s alert system via text message:
Alert: Tornado Warning
South central Monroe County is under a Tornado Warning. Seek appropriate Shelter immediately! Move to the most interior room within your residence, away from any windows. If you reside in a mobile home, seek sturdy shelter nearby.
2025 03 15 tornado warning bmgsafet 24025 1742028931
Here's a transcript of police scanner traffic at 4:55 a.m.:
Attention District 33 units and stations: A tornado warning has been declared. Repeating: A tornado warning has been declared for south central Monroe County, northeastern Martin County and northern Lawrence County. Severe thunderstorms capable of producing a tornado located 11 miles north of Shoals, 12 miles west of Bedford, moving at 65 miles per hour. Radar has indicated rotation and there will be severe damage. Authority: ISP Bloomington INOT Indianapolis.