Bloomington 2022 Redistricting Map Repository

Bloomington 2022 Redistricting Map Repository

Bloomington’s city council must redraw the six city council district boundaries before the end of 2022. This page is intended as a repository for possible maps proposed by residents or groups of residents.

This is not an official governmental collection of maps.

To add your own proposed map to this collection, please visit this link: There you will find an incredible resource that was developed by the The MGGG Lab at Tufts University. The acronym stands for Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group. The Bloomington module was developed at The B Square’s request.

After creating your map, save it, copy the URL, and paste it in to a comment at the bottom of the page, with a note something like “Please add this map: https:// ” Or send an email message with a link to your map to: dave @

The B Square will manually add your map to the collection.

If you want to include some words, even a lot of words, explaining why the map you’ve submitted is a good map, feel free to include those words in the comment or in your email message. When The B Square adds the map, your words of explanation will be included as the first comment on that individual map.

To leave commentary on any of the maps in the collection, click on the map, and look for the comment (speech balloon) icon in the lower right of the screen. Clicking on that icon will let you view previous comments or leave your own.

The B Square cannot guarantee that the Bloomington redistricting commission, or eventually the city council, will consider any of the maps in this collection when making recommendations and decisions. But The B Square commits to ensuring that any map in this collection, including the commentary, will be conveyed directly to the redistricting commission and the city council in a timely way.

Of course, anyone is welcome to create a map using the tools developed by The MGGG Lab and convey it directly to the redistricting commission or the city council.
