Bloomington City Council Agenda Sept. 27, 2023 (Special Budget Meeting)

[This is not an official Bloomington city council agenda. The official version can be found at this link:
City of Bloomington Common Council
Agenda for Sept. 27, 2023
Start Time: 6:30 p.m.
Physical location: Council Chambers (#115), Showers Building, 401 N. Morton Street
Online location: The meeting can be accessed remotely at the following link:
1. Roll Call (The city clerk will call the roll of councilmembers to take attendance.)
2. Agenda Summation (The council president will summarize what is on the agenda.)
3. Budget Ordinances for First Reading
On Wednesday night (Sept. 27, 2023), there will be some council discussion and chance for public commentary on the budget legislation. But that will come at a committee-of-the-whole meeting (same location), just after the council’s special meeting ends. It’s at the special meeting when the ordinances making up the 2024 budget package get their first formal reading. Why not just discuss the legislation and allow public comment at the same meeting? It’s because there’s a piece of city code unique to Bloomington that prohibits any deliberations on legislation at the same meeting when it is given a first reading. By adjourning the special meeting, then starting a committee-of-the-whole meeting, the council will get around the prohibition against deliberation on legislation at the same meeting when it is first read.
3A. Appropriation Ordinance 23-05 – An Ordinance for Appropriations and Tax Rates (Establishing 2024 Civil City Budget for the City of Bloomington)
App Ord 23-05
Budget Q&A
Memo on $20 million of funding
Overall Budget Package council staff memo
3B. Appropriation Ordinance 23-06 – An Ordinance Adopting a Budget for the Operation, Maintenance, Debt Service and Capital Improvements for the Water and Wastewater Utility Departments of the City of Bloomington, Indiana for the Year 2024
App Ord 23-06 utilities
App Ord 23-06 utilities staff memo
3C. Appropriation Ordinance 23-07 – Appropriations and Tax Rates for Bloomington Transportation Corporation for 2024
App Ord 23-07 Bloomington Transit
3D. Ordinance 23-24 – An Ordinance Fixing the Salaries of Officers of the Police and Fire Department for the City of Bloomington, Indiana for the Year 2024
Ord 23-24 police fire salaries
Ord 23-24 Ord 23-24 police fire salaries city staff memo
3E. Ordinance 23-25 – An Ordinance to Fix the Salaries of Appointed Officers, Non-Union, and A.F.S.C.M.E. Employees for all the Departments of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana for the Year 2024
Ord 23-25 non-union, AFSCME salary
Ord 23-25 non-union, AFSCME salary city staff memo
3F. Ordinance 23-26 – To Fix the Salaries of all Elected City Officials for the City of Bloomington for the Year 2024
Ord 23-26 elected offical salaries
Ord 23-26 elected officials salaries staff memo
4. Adjournment