$2.59M for roads awarded by INDOT to Monroe County, Bloomington, Ellettsville, Stinesville

$2.59M for roads awarded by INDOT to Monroe County, Bloomington, Ellettsville, Stinesville

Based on a news release from area Republican state legislators, four local government units in Monroe County will receive a total of $2,588,220 from Indiana Department of Transportation’s Community Crossings matching grant program in the first round of funding this year.

Since 2016, the Community Crossings money has been provided to help local units make improvements to local roads and bridges.

The funding requires a match by the local units. Here’s a breakdown of the March 2025 Community Crossings grant awards in Monroe County:

● Bloomington: $760,262
● Ellettsville: $258,181
● Monroe County: $1.5 million
● Stinesville: $69,777

Based on their respective populations, Bloomington (greater than 10,000) and Monroe County (greater than 50,000) will have to provide a 50-50 match. Ellettsville and Stinesville (both less than 10,000) have to provide a 25:75 match.

According to Bloomington communication director Desiree DeMolina, Bloomington will use its money to help pay for a street resurfacing project along North Walnut from the SR 46 bypass to Old 37. Neil Kopper, a senior project engineer with the city, will coordinate the project, according to DeMolina, but final plans are still being developed.

According to Monroe County highway doctor Lisa Ridge, the county’s share will be put towards about 28 miles of paving. The county’s bids are out. The sealed bids will be opened on March 27.

According to Ridge, county crews have already been prepping the roads for paving—with tree trimming, culvert replacements and ditching. The drainage improvements, which are done in preparation for paving, help the road last longer after it’s paved, Ridge indicated.

Monroe County’s paving list includes the following:

● Anderson Road, Old SR 37 North to Shilo Road
● Brummetts Creek Road, Baby Creek Road to Brock Road
● Burma Road, Spradling Road to Buskirk Road
● Burma Road, Salem Road to Buskirk Road
● Cowden Road, Delap Road to Mt. Tabor Road
● Hartstrait Road, SR 48 to Vernal Pike
● Lampkins Ridge Road, Bellemeade Drive to Deer Trace Road
● W. Maple Grove Road, N. Maple Grove Road to Matthews Drive
● Old SR 37 North, 380’ South of Old Myers Road Sample Road
● Popcorn Road, Rockport Road to Linthicum Road
● Springville Road, Popcorn Road to Lawrence County Line
● Shil Road, Tunnel Road to Coyle Road
● Strain Ridge Road, Fairfax Road to 8025 address (Stone Ridge Road)
● Vernal Pike, Oard Road to Hartstrait Road
● Jerden Meadows Subdivision: Darrel Drive, Darrel Ct, Lori Ann Lane, Williams Way
● Inverness Wood Subdivision: Inverness Woods Road, Inverness Crest, Cranbrook Road, Spring Branch Road
● Pine Grove Road
● Deer Lick Road
● Holly Lane

According to Ridge, the town of Stinesville is also putting its Community Crossing grant towards paving.

According to Ellettsville planning staff, the town will be using its grant money towards milling and paving of five sections of North and South Sale Street and seven other town streets.