Hearing on vote centers for Monroe County set for April 7, 2025

Hearing on vote centers for Monroe County set for April 7, 2025

A notice of a public hearing on vote centers for Monroe County has been announced for Monday, April 7, 2025. 

The hearing is scheduled to start at  5:00 p.m. in the Nat U. Hill Room in the historic county courthouse located at 100 West Kirkwood in downtown Bloomington. People can also participate remotely through a Microsoft Teams link.

The public notice was distributed to media outlets on Thursday (March 20).

The draft vote center plan, on which the April 7 public hearing is being held, is available for download through Monroe County's website. It’s also available from the BloomDocs public document repository.

The announcement of a public hearing was expected, based on the discussion at the March 6 meeting of the Monroe County election board.

It looks like the April 7 hearing would be the first of two public hearings required under state statute, to convert Monroe County from precinct-based polling locations, to vote center locations.  

Vote centers are different from the kind of precinct-based polling locations that are currently used by Monroe County. At a precinct-based polling site, only voters from specified precincts can cast a ballot there. Vote centers are polling places where a voter who is registered in any precinct can cast a ballot.