Image: Merry Christmas, Bloomington! (even if not everything is spelled exactly right)

The B Square’s experiments with AI (artificial intelligence) fake photo generation suggest that reasonably serviceable images for a specific set of purposes can eventually be obtained, though perhaps not on the first try.
Today’s seasonal greeting comes from Microsoft’s Bing Image Creator (powered by DALL·E 3) in response to a prompt that went like this: “Wide shot close up of Santa Claus sitting under a Christmas tree reading a newspaper. The headline reads ‘Merry Christmas, Bloomington!’ There is a golden retriever puppy and a kitten sitting on Santa’s lap. The kitten has a crazy look and is swatting the puppy on the nose.”
I think it works OK as a Christmas card to the community.
Here’s one caveat for use of AI-generated images: AI image generators don’t spell so great. The choice of the image presented today, from dozens The B Square asked the robot to create, was based in large part on the fact that the headline was among the closest to being spelled right.
Anyhow, Merry Christmas!