July 27–28 heatwave in Monroe County: 9 cooling stations set for service

July 27–28 heatwave in Monroe County: 9 cooling  stations set for service
The image links to a dynamic map. As indicated with the green icons, Stations 21 and 29 of the Monroe Fire Protection District are allowing pets—but they have to be be in a kennel or carrier.

Monroe County’s emergency management agency is responding to a National Weather Service heat advisory that has been announced for a big area of the midwest—by opening nine cooling stations on Thursday and Friday.

Located in area fire stations, the cooling centers will be opened for Thursday, July 27, and Friday, July 28—from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. both days.

The news release from Monroe County’s EMA says that the cooling stations “serve the purpose of being a cool facility where individuals who don’t have ways of staying cool can come in for a short period of time to cool down and continue on their way.”

Two of the cooling stations are allowing pets, if the animals are in a kennel or carrier. The pet-friendly cooling stations are: Station 21  and Station 29  of the Monroe Fire Protection District.

Monroe County EMA has created a map of the cooling station locations.

According to Monroe County EMA, the YMCA of Monroe County–Southeast, at 2125 S. Highland Ave., Bloomington, 47401 has also offered its facility during their business hours to cool down.

According to the NWS heat advisory, the high temperatures on Thursday and Friday are expected to be in the middle to upper 90s. This will produce heat index values between 100 and 109 during the afternoon and early evening hours, according to the NWS.

Some basic health advice from the NWS  heat advisory includes the following:

Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances.

List of Monroe County cooling stations with map links

Monroe County’s EMA has suggested using the social a the social media hashtag #MoCoEMA to mark posts about severe weather events, to help make questions and answers about a given crisis easier to monitor.