Nov. 7 elections set to go for school referendum, Bloomington city races

Nov. 7 elections set to go for school referendum, Bloomington city races

As of around 7:30 p.m. on Monday night, 22 of the 25 polling places for Election Day on Nov. 7 had checked in with Monroe County election division staff at Election Central to confirm their venues were set for the next day’s voting.

Election Central is the old Johnson’s hardware building at 7th and Madison streets.

Only the polling sites at Tri-North Middle School, Fairview Elementary School, and Burgoon Baptist Church had not yet called in to confirm that their preparations were complete. Their confirmations were expected shortly.

Fielding and making calls to the polling sites were election division staff, as well as Monroe County clerk Nicole Browne. On hand in addition to Browne were the other two election board members, David Henry and Judith Benckart.

The board had recessed its meeting from last Thursday until 5 p.m. on Monday. Their meeting was recessed again on Monday night, to be reconvened at 5 a.m. tomorrow, in advance of the 6 a.m. opening of the polls.

The polls close at 6 p.m.

This year, the local elections include voters who live in the Monroe County Community School Corporation (MCCSC) district, which is most of Monroe County. Voters who live outside of the city of Bloomington will see just one item on their ballots, which is a referendum on an 8.5-cent property tax increase, in order to pay for early childhood education programs.

There’s just one contested race for the 11 city of Bloomington offices—the District 3 city council race. Republican Brett Heinisch is vying against Democrat Hopi Stosberg for the District 3 seat.

According to figures from the Monroe County election division, a total of 2,894 people voted early in-person at the election operations building at 3rd and Walnut streets, during the four-week runup to the Nov. 7 election.

By way of comparison, for the May 2, 2023 primary election, about 3,150 people voted early in-person.

According to Monroe County’s elected clerk, Nicole Browne, there are 59,643 eligible voters for this year’s local election.

On Election Day, only some voters will be able to vote at the election operations building. Those include voters who are registered to vote in the following precincts: Bloomington 3, 7, 22; and Perry 6, 8, 15, 31.

Voters who want to confirm their assigned voting location on Nov. 7 can look up that information on the Indiana Voter Portal.

Dynamic Map of Assigned Voting Locations: Nov. 7, 2023