Photos: Harrodsburg Heritage Days 2024 parade, pedal tractor pull

Harrodsburg is an incorporated community of 656 people, about 12 miles south of Bloomington.
It was because of the fireworks at this year’s edition of Harrodsburg Heritage Days that the B Square headed southward on Saturday.
But the actual fireworks display was not the big draw for The B Square. The parade was plenty fun, and the fireworks display was likely spectacular, but The B Square was in Harrodsburg for a different reason—to watch the firefighters with the Monroe County Fire Protection District compete in the discipline of pedal tractor pulling.
How did fireworks factor into the equation? It was through a twist of civic affairs.
Because Monroe County government approved some money for the fireworks display from the county’s share of food and beverage tax revenue, that meant Harrodsburg Heritage Days president Paul Strain appeared in front of the county council.
In late April, when Strain briefed the county council on Harrodsburg Heritage Days, he mentioned the adult-sized pedal powered tractor pull competition. That particular event is put on by Play ‘N’ Hooky Pedal Tractor Pulling out of Evansville.
Watching firefighters pedal like crazy to get to the end of the course to earn a “Full Pull!” from the announcer sounded like an afternoon of good fun.
A pedal-powered tractor pull works off the same principle as a regular tractor pull. There’s a weighted sled that has to be pulled by the tractor. As the sled moves forward, the weightbox in the sled slides forward to rest more and more on the skid plate that makes contact with the ground—which increases the resistance and makes it harder and harder to pull.
If a competitor pulls the sled the whole distance of the track (30 feet for Saturday’s event), that counts as a “full pull.” If more than one competitor achieves a full pull, the starting weight is increased and they go again. Rankings of competitors after anyone who makes a full pull are based on distance.
On Saturday, among the firefighters, it was Ross Roberson who took first place Jason Allen finished second and Leyton Craig third.
The whole set of uncaptioned photos is included below.
Photos: Harrodsburg Heritage Days 2024