Column: Hawk’s nest on courthouse grounds squares up with Bloomington zoning, new online maps prove

A pair of red-tailed hawks started the spring season renovating last year’s nest above Bryan Hall  on Indiana University’s campus.

But some readers might have noticed that the birds seem to have shifted their focus to the grounds of the Monroe County courthouse in downtown Bloomington.

That means the raptors will no longer be in the running for any sustainability awards, for what could have been a spectacular reuse project. At least not this year.

The first question that most Bloomington residents will ask about any nest building activity will be: Is that kind of residential use even consistent with the zoning for this part of the city?

The city of Bloomington has now made that question a little bit easier to answer. Continue reading “Column: Hawk’s nest on courthouse grounds squares up with Bloomington zoning, new online maps prove”