Bloomington City Council Agenda April 3, 2024

Bloomington City Council Agenda April 3, 2024

[This is not an official Bloomington city council agenda. The official version can be found at this link:]

City of Bloomington Common Council
Agenda for April 3, 2024
Start Time: 6:30 p.m.

Physical location: Council Chambers (#115), Showers Building, 401 N. Morton Street
Online location: The meeting can be accessed remotely at the following link:

1. Roll Call (The city clerk will call the roll of councilmembers to take attendance.)

2. Agenda Summation (The council president will summarize what is on the agenda.)

3. Approval of Minutes: (If there are minutes from previous meetings to approve, this is when a vote is taken on that.)

3A. Draft Meeting Minutes February 19 2003
3B. Draft Meeting Minutes March 05 2003
3C. Draft Meeting Minutes March 26 2003
3D. Draft Meeting Minutes April 16 2003

4. Reports (A maximum of twenty minutes is set aside for each part of this section.)

4A. Councilmembers (Councilmembers can use the time to talk about whatever topics they like.)

4B. The Mayor and City Offices

4C. Council Committees (Reports from council committees are given during this time.)

4D. Public
This is the first of two chances for public commentary on items not on the agenda. The 20-minute time limit for each part of Section 4 applies to this section, too. Speakers at the public mic are normally allowed five minutes. That time can be reduced by the chair of the meeting if a lot of people want to speak. For people present in council chambers, they will be invited to approach the public mic and sign in. For people attending via the Zoom connection, they’ll be asked to use the “raise hand” feature on Zoom, and they will be unmuted by staff when it’s their turn to speak. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please call (812) 349-3409 or e-mail

5. Appointments To Boards and Commissions (If there are any recommended appointments by one of the council’s interview committees, this is when they will be moved by a representative of the interview committee and voted on by the full council.)
2024-04-03 commission appointments

6. Legislation for Second Readings and Resolutions (Votes taken on these items count as the final approval needed for enactment by the council.)

6A. Resolution 2024-07 – Establishing the Goal of Reducing Traffic Deaths and Serious Injuries on the City’s Roadways to Zero in the City by the Year 2039
Res 2024-07
Res 2024-07 city staff memo
Res 2024-07 council staff memo

6B. Resolution 2024-05 – A Resolution Authorizing the 2024 Outdoor Dining Program in the Downtown Corridor
Res 2024-05
Res 2024-05 Exhibit A parklet guidlines
Res 2024-05 staff memo
Res 2024-05 council staff memo

6C. Resolution 2024-08 – A Resolution Calling for a Cessation of Hostilities and for Delivery of Humanitarian Aid to Civilians in Gaza
Res 2024-08
Res 2024-08 REVISED
Res 2024-08 memo from sponsors
Res 2024-08 council staff memo

7. Legislation for First Readings (Under local law the council cannot discuss or amend items in this section. What the council votes on is whether to have the city clerk read the legislation by title and synopsis only. The next step comes at a later meeting.)

7A. Ordinance 2024-03 – To Amend Title 20 (Unified Development Ordinance) of the Bloomington Municipal Code – Re: Technical Corrections Set Forth in BMC 20
Ord 2024-03
Ord 2024-03 staff memo

7B. Ordinance 2024-04 – To Amend Title 20 (Unified Development Ordinance) of the Bloomington Municipal Code – Re: Amendments and Updates Set Forth in BMC 20 Table of Contents and 20.04
Ord 2024-04
Ord 2024-03 city staff memo

7C. Ordinance 2024-05 – To Amend Title 20 (Unified Development Ordinance) of the Bloomington Municipal Code – Re: Amendments and Updates Set Forth in BMC 20.02; 20.03; 20.05; 20.07
Ord 2024-05
Ord 2024-05 city staff memo

7D. Ordinance 2024-06 – To Amend Title 20 (Unified Development Ordinance) of the Bloomington Municipal Code – Re: Amendments and Updates Set Forth in BMC 20.06 VIII
Ord 2024-06
Ord 2024-06 city staff memo

Ord 2024-03 04 05 06 council staff memo

8. Additional Public Comment (A maximum of twenty-five minutes is set aside for this section.)

This is the second of two chances for public commentary for items not on the agenda. Speakers at the public mic are normally allowed five minutes. That time can be reduced by the chair of the meeting if a lot of people want to speak. For people present in council chambers, they will be invited to approach the public mic and sign in. For people attending via the Zoom connection, they’ll be asked to use the “raise hand” feature on Zoom, and they will be unmuted by staff when it’s their turn to speak. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please call (812) 349-3409 or e-mail

9. Council Schedule

10. Adjournment