Photos: Bald eagles on Memorial Day

On Sunday, The B Square made a visit to a bald eagle’s nest north of Bloomington, in Morgan County.

The adult eagle cut across the sky overhead, keeping watch over the two younger birds, which were sitting sheltered in their peaceful roost.

Let these photos of nature’s beauty and resilience serve as a commemoration of Memorial Day. Continue reading “Photos: Bald eagles on Memorial Day”

Christmas Photos: Not a partridge, not a pear tree

On a Christmas Day visit to Lake Monroe and some Bloomington area parks, The B Square did not observe a single partridge in a pear tree. Some other lesser birds were nonetheless spotted. More photos below. Continue reading “Christmas Photos: Not a partridge, not a pear tree”

Thanksgiving week Bloomington turkeys—in disguise

A full week of Thanksgiving break at Indiana University means the campus and all of downtown Bloomington has been a lot quieter the last few days. One benefit: more wildlife. Continue reading “Thanksgiving week Bloomington turkeys—in disguise”