Bloomington City Council Agenda Sept. 18, 2024

Bloomington City Council Agenda Sept. 18, 2024

[This is not an official Bloomington city council agenda. The official version can be found at this link:]

City of Bloomington Common Council
Agenda for Sept. 18, 2024
Start Time: 6:30 p.m.

Physical location: Council Chambers (#115), Showers Building, 401 N. Morton Street
Online location: The meeting can be accessed remotely at the following link:

1. Roll Call (The city clerk will call the roll of councilmembers to take attendance.)

2. Agenda Summation (The council president will summarize what is on the agenda.)

3. Approval of Minutes: (If there are minutes from previous meetings to approve, this is when a vote is taken on that.)


4. Reports (A maximum of twenty minutes is set aside for each part of this section.)

4A. Councilmembers

4B. The Mayor and City Offices

4B1. Report from Nathan Ferreira on the development of the Summit Hill Community Land Trust (Bloomington Housing Authority)

4C. Council Committees

4D. Public
This is the first of two chances for public commentary on items not on the agenda. The 20-minute time limit for each part of Section 4 applies to this section, too. Speakers at the public mic are  allowed five minutes. People present in council chambers will be invited to approach the public mic and sign in. People attending via the Zoom connection will be asked to use the “raise hand” feature on Zoom, and they will be unmuted by staff when it’s their turn to speak. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please call (812) 349-3409 or e-mail

5. Appointments To Boards and Commissions (If there are any recommended appointments by one of the council’s interview committees, this is when they will be moved by a representative of the interview committee and voted on by the full council.)

2024-09-18-appointments.pdf Katie Yoder to the parking commission.

6. Legislation for First Readings

6A. Ordinance 2024-18 – To Amend Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled “Historic Preservation and Protection” To Establish a Historic District – Re: Green Acres Conservation District

Ord 2024-18 city staff report
Ord 2024-18
Ord 2024-18 map
Ord 2024-18 survey by address
Ord 2024-18 application
Ord 2024-18 Green Acres Neighborhood Plan
Ord 2024-18 remonstrance against
Ord 2024-18 Council Staff Memo 

7. Legislation for Second Readings and Resolutions (Votes taken on these items count as the final approval needed for enactment by the council.)

7A. Ordinance 2024-17: To Amend Title 20 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Re: Amendment and updates related to grading permit and alignment with Title 13 and BMC 20.04 related to steep slopes

Ord 2024-17 plannning staff memo and redline UDO
Ord 2024-17
Ord 2024-17 certification
Ord 2024-17 council memo

7B. Appropriation Ordinance 2024-03: To Additionally Appropriate From the Public Works General Fund for Personnel

App Ord 24-03
App Ord 24-04 city staff memo

App Ord 2024–03
App Ord 2024-03 council staff memo

7C. Appropriation Ordinance 2024-04: To Additionally Appropriate From the Public Works General Fund for Debris Removal

The memos from council staff and city staff cover both App Ord 2024-03 and App Ord 2024-04.
App Ord 2024–04

8. Additional Public Comment (A maximum of twenty-five minutes is set aside for this section.)

This is the second of two chances for public commentary for items not on the agenda. Speakers at the public mic are allowed 3 minutes.  People present in council chambers will be invited to approach the public mic and sign in. People attending via the Zoom connection will be asked to use the “raise hand” feature on Zoom, and they will be unmuted by staff when it’s their turn to speak. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please call (812) 349-3409 or e-mail

9. Council Schedule

10. Adjournment